Other features

Passing command-line parameters

It may be desirable to make the lab depend on settings that are decided by the user when it is launched. For example, in our running example comparing sorting algorithms, one could wish to have control on the increment step for the size of the array. Our quick tutorial had a hard-coded increment step of 100 elements.

It is possible for a lab to declare command-line arguments, that the lab can then retrieve in its setup method. To this end, one must implement a method called setupCli. When called, this method is given an instance of a CliParser object, which will be used to parse the command-line arguments. Method setupCli can add new arguments to this parser. For example, let us add an argument called step, which will define the increment step to use when creating the experiments:

public void setupCli(CliParser parser) {
  parser.add(new Argument().withLongName("step").withArgument("n")
    .withDescription("Increment array sizes by n"));

To retrieve the value of step when the lab is setup, one can call getCliArguments:

public void setup() {
  int step = 100;
  ArgumentMap map = getCliArguments();
  if (map.hasOption("step")) {
    step = Integer.parseInt(map.getOptionValue("step"));
  ... (Rest of setup code)

In the above snippet, the value of step is set to 100; if a command line argument has been given, then step is replaced by the value passed at the command line. This can be done when starting the lab:

$ java -jar my-lab.jar --step 200

Please refer to the API documentation of CliParser for precisions on its usage.

Customizing the web console

LabPal's web console can be customized to some extent. One needs to add method setupCallbacks to the lab. This method must return a collection (typically a list or a set) of objects of type WebCallback. A web callback is an object that is called when a given URL is requested to the server. It has a method called process, which creates an HTTP response from the request. As an example, here is a simple callback that prints a dummy HTML page:

public class HelloCallback extends WebCallback {
  public HelloCallback(Laboratory lab, LabAssistant assistant) {
    super("/hello", lab, assistant);
  public CallbackResponse process(HttpExchange t) {
    CallbackResponse r = new CallbackResponse(t);
    response.setContents("<html><body>Hello world!</body></html>");
    return response;

Once this callback is defined, the lab can register it in setupCallbacks:

public Collection<WebCallback> setupCallbacks(Laboratory lab, LabAssistant assistant) {
  List<WebCallback> list = new ArrayList<WebCallback>();
  list.add(new HelloCallback(lab, assistant));
  return list;

When started, the web console now has a new page, http://localhost:21212/hello which, when called, returns the "Hello world" page defined in the corresponding callback.

Checking the environment

LabPal and its template project encourage the production of a single, stand-alone, runnable environment that includes all its necessary libraries and input files. This way, a lab can easily be copied around and run without any setup.

There exist situations, however, where this is not possible, and the lab has requirements with respect to the environment in which it is meant to be executed. For example, your experiments may require the use of an external database, some minimum amount of memory or disk space, or some other program that needs to be installed and called from inside the experiments. If these requirements are not met, the lab cannot run or produce meaningful results.

It is possible to verify these conditions at startup by adding to the lab a method called isEnvironmentOk. Insert there any code that can check that the conditions for running the lab are met. For example, the following method checks if a program called "foo" is installed by attempting to run it from the command line:

public String isEnvironmentOk() {
  CommandRunner runner = new CommandRunner(new String[]{"foo"});
  if (runner.getExitCode() != 0)
    return "Command foo cannot be called at the command line";
  return null;

An error is detected by checking that the exit code is different from 0. (See CommandRunner.)

You must return null if everything is OK. As a rule, returning a non-null value (typically an error message) means that something external to the lab must be fixed before running the experiments; hence LabPal will simply quit. If your experiments have prerequisites they can generate by themselves, don't use this method.

Creating a lab in Python

LabPal is implemented as a Java library, and is especially suited for labs and experiments written as Java classes. However, it is also possible to write experiments and labs using Python, thanks to the Jython library.

To this end, you can use our template project, which contains a Python lab and a Python experiment class. Please refer to that project's README file for more information on how to create a lab in Python.

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