Playing with the lab's parameters

Instead of simply re-running someone else's lab, you may want to run its experiments on different input data, or using different input parameters. LabPal offers functionalities that allow you to modify the experiments that were put into the lab by its author in various ways.

The first obvious way of doing so is by changing the lab's code itself. If the author of a lab uses our template project, the JAR bundle that is compiled by the ant command contains the source files of the lab. You can unzip the contents of this file, locate the main laboratory class and look at its setup() method. Normally, this is where the experiments are created and added to the lab, and you can edit this code to add experiments with different parameters. Recompiling and restarting the lab will allow you to run a different set of experiments than the ones that were included in the first place.

The web console also has a

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