Extending BeepBeep

BeepBeep was initially designed to be easily extensible. As was discussed earlier, it consists of only a small core of built-in processors and functions. The rest of its functionalities are implemented through custom processors and grammar extensions, grouped in packages called palettes.

However, it is quite possible that none of the processors or functions in existing palettes are appropriate for a particular problem. Fortunately, BeepBeep provides easy means to create your own objects, by simply extending some of the classes provided by the core library. Through multiple examples contained in this chapter, we shall see how custom functions and processors can be created, often in just a few lines of code.

Creating Custom Functions

Let us start with the simple case of functions. A custom function is any object that inherits from the base class Function. There are two main ways to create new function classes:

  • By extending FunctionTree and composing existing Function objects

  • By extending Function or one of its more specific descendents, such as UnaryFunction or BinaryFunction. In such a case, the function can made of arbitrary Java code.

As a Function Tree

A first way of creating a function is to create a new class that extends FunctionTree. Remember the function tree that was created in Chapter 3, which computed the function f(x,y,z) = (x+yz. We used to build this function tree as follows:

FunctionTree tree = new FunctionTree(Numbers.multiplication,
                new FunctionTree(Numbers.addition, 
                        StreamVariable.X, StreamVariable.Y),

However, if this function needs to be reused in various programs, the previous instruction has to be copy-pasted multiple times --which creates all the problems associated with copy-pasting. A better practice would be to create a CustomFunctionTree that encapsulates the creation of the function inside its constructor. This can be done by creating a new class that extends FunctionTree, like this:

public class CustomFunctionTree extends FunctionTree
    public CustomFunctionTree()
                new FunctionTree(Numbers.addition,
                        StreamVariable.X, StreamVariable.Y),

Note how the first new FunctionTree in the original code has been replaced by a call to super, the constructor of the parent FunctionTree class. From then on, CustomFunctionTree can be used anywhere like the original function tree, for example like this:

Function f = new CustomFunctionTree();
ApplyFunction af = new ApplyFunction(f);

An interesting advantage is that, if one wishes to change the actual function that is computed, a modification needs to be made in a single location.

As a New Object

The previous technique only works for custom functions that can actually be expressed in terms of existing functions. When this is not possible, users can create a new Function class from scratch, composed of arbitrary Java code. It turns out that this is not very hard.

The most generic way of doing so is to directly extend the abstract class Function, and to implement all the mandatory methods. There are six of them:

  • The evaluate method is responsible for doing the actual computation; it receives an array of input arguments, and writes to an array of output arguments.

  • The getInputArity and getOutputArity methods report the function's input and output arity, respectively. They must each return a single integer number.

  • The getInputTypesFor method is used to specify the type of the function's input arguments. The getOutputTypeFor method does the same thing for the function's output values.

  • The duplicate method must return a new instance (a "clone") of the function.

As a simple example, let us write a new Function that multiplies a number by two. We start by creating an empty class that extends Function:

public class CustomDouble extends Function

A few methods are easy to implement. The case of getInputArity and getOutputArity can be solved quickly: here, the function is expected to receive one argument, and to produce one output value; hence both methods should return 1. The duplicate method is also straightforward: we simply need to return a new instance of CustomDouble. This yields the following code:

public int getInputArity()
    return 1;
public int getOutputArity()
    return 1;
public Function duplicate(boolean with_state)
    return new CustomDouble();

The next method to implement is evaluate, which receives an inputs array and an outputs array. Since the function reports an input arity of 1, inputs should contain a single element; moreover, this element should be an instance of Number. Similarly, we expect outputs to be an array of size 1. The method produces its return value by writing to the outputs array. The code for evaluate could therefore look like this:

public void evaluate(Object[] inputs, Object[] outputs)
    Number n = (Number) inputs[0];
    outputs[0] = n.floatValue() * 2;

The getInputTypesFor method allows other objects to query the function about the type of its arguments. It receives a set s of classes and an index i as arguments; its task is to add to s the Class object corresponding to the expected type of the i-th argument of the function (as usual, indexes start at 0). This results in the following code:

public void getInputTypesFor(Set<Class<?>> s, int i)
    if (i == 0)

The method checks if i is 0; if so, it adds the class Number into s, otherwise it adds nothing. This is because CustomDouble has only one argument; it does not make sense to provide type information for indexes higher than 0. It is important to note that this method can add more than one class to the set. For example, a function could accept either sets or lists as its arguments; in such a case, method getInputTypesFor would add both List.class and Set.class to the set.

The principle for getOutputTypeFor is similar; the slight difference is that the method must return a Class object:

public Class<?> getOutputTypeFor(int i)
    if (i == 0)
        return Number.class;
    return null;

Again, a type is only returned if i=0.

The purpose of the input/output arity/type methods is to declare what is called the function's signature. The Connector object we use to create processor chains calls these methods to make sure that functions and processors are piped correctly. It is therefore important to properly declare the arity and types for each custom object we create, in order to avoid exceptions being thrown when calling connect() with these objects.

This code produces a complete new Function object that can be used like any other. For example:

Function f = new CustomDouble();
ApplyFunction af = new ApplyFunction(f);

As you might expect, a Function may have more than one input or output argument; these arguments do not need to be of the same type. To illustrate this, let us create a new function CutString that takes two arguments: a string s and a number n. Its purpose is to cut s after n characters and return the result. A possible implementation would be:

public class CutString extends Function
    public void evaluate(Object[] inputs, Object[] outputs) {
        outputs[0] = ((String) inputs[0]).substring(0,
            (Integer) inputs[1]);

    public int getInputArity() {
        return 2;

    public int getOutputArity() {
        return 1;

    public Function duplicate(boolean with_state) {
        return new CutString();

    public void getInputTypesFor(Set<Class<?>> s, int i) {
        if (i == 0)
        if (i == 1)

    public Class<?> getOutputTypeFor(int i) {
        if (i == 0)
            return String.class;
        return null;

Unary and Binary Functions

Extending Function directly results in lots of "boilerplate" code. If the intended function is 1:1 or 2:1 (that is, it has an input arity of 1 or 2, and an output arity of 1), a shorter way to create a new Function object is to create a new class that extends either UnaryFunction or BinaryFunction. These classes take care of most of the tasks associated to functions, and require the user to simply implement a method called getValue(), responsible for computing the output, given some input(s). In this method, the user can write arbitrary Java code.

As an example, let us rewrite the CustomDouble function; it is a 1:1 function, which means that it can extend the UnaryFunction class. From then on, this new object only requires five lines of code:

public class UnaryDouble extends UnaryFunction<Number,Number>
    public UnaryDouble()
        super(Number.class, Number.class);

    public Number getValue(Number x)
        return x.floatValue() * 2;

As you can see, the input and output type for the function must also be declared; here, the function accepts a Number and returns a Number. These types must also be present in the function's constructor: the superclass constructor must be called, and be given a Class instance of each input and output argument.

The getValue() method is the one in which the output of the function is computed from the input. Since the function is unary and discloses its single input argument as a number, the method has a single Number argument. Similarly, since the function declares its output to also be a number, the return type of this method is Number.

Function CutString could also be simplified by defining it as a descendent of BinaryFunction:

public class BinaryCutString extends
    public BinaryCutString()
        super(String.class, Number.class, String.class);

    public String getValue(String s, Number n)
        return s.substring(0, n.intValue());

This time, the class has three type arguments: the first two represent the type of the first and second argument, and the last represents the type of the return value. Otherwise, the getValue method works according to similar principles as UnaryFunction.

Partial Evaluation

In Chapter 4, we saw that functions can also be partially evaluated. As an example, let us create a function that calculates the area of a triangle based on the length of its three sides, by using Heron's formula: if A is the area of the triangle, and a, b, and c are the lengths of its sides, then A² = s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c), where s is the semiperimeter, or half of the triangle's perimeter. Writing method evaluate for this function is relatively straightforward:

public void evaluate(Object[] inputs, Object[] outputs)
  float a = ((Number) inputs[0]).floatValue();
  float b = ((Number) inputs[1]).floatValue();
  float c = ((Number) inputs[2]).floatValue();
  float s = (a + b + c) / 2f;
  outputs[0] = Math.sqrt(s * (s-a) * (s-b) * (s-c));

However, a few shortcuts can be made when evaluating this function. For example, as soon as one of the sides is 0, the shape cannot be a triangle, and we can set the area to 0. To implement this functionality, a Function object must override a method called evaluatePartial, as follows:

public boolean evaluatePartial(Object[] inputs,
    Object[] outputs, Context c)
  if (inputs[0] != null && ((Number) inputs[0]).floatValue() == 0)
    outputs[0] = 0;
    return true;
  if (inputs[1] != null && ((Number) inputs[1]).floatValue() == 0)
    outputs[0] = 0;
    return true;
  if (inputs[2] != null && ((Number) inputs[2]).floatValue() == 0)
    outputs[0] = 0;
    return true;
  if (inputs[0] != null && inputs[1] != null && inputs[2] != null)
    evaluate(inputs, outputs);
    return true;
  outputs[0] = null;
  return false;

The signature of this method contains an array of input arguments, an array of output values, and a Context object (which may be null). Since this method is called during partial evaluation, any of the elements of the inputs array may be null. Therefore, the method checks, for each of the three elements of the array, whether it is non-null, and if so, whether it is equal to zero. If this is the case, value 0 is put into the outputs array, and the method returns true. This is meant to indicate that the function was successfully evaluated and produced an output value.

If none of the elements is equal to zero, the method then checks if all the elements are non-null; if so, the method calls evaluate to compute its output value using the formula. Finally, when none of these conditions apply, the method returns false, indicating that no output value could be computed.

Let us now try partial evaluation using various combinations of input arguments, as in the following program:

TriangleArea ta = new TriangleArea();
Object[] out = new Object[1];
boolean b;
b = ta.evaluatePartial(new Object[] {3, 4, 5}, out, null);
System.out.println("b: " + b + ", " + out[0]);
b = ta.evaluatePartial(new Object[] {3, null, 5}, out, null);
System.out.println("b: " + b + ", " + out[0]);
b = ta.evaluatePartial(new Object[] {3, null, 0}, out, null);
System.out.println("b: " + b + ", " + out[0]);

The first case corresponds to regular evaluation; the method returns true and puts the area 6 in the out array. The second case corresponds to partial evaluation, but where no output value can be computed; consequently, the method returns false. Finally, the third case also corresponds to partial evaluation, but where an output value can be produced. Therefore, the output of this program is:

b: true, 6.0
b: false, null
b: true, 0

Create your Own Processor

As with functions, BeepBeep allows you to create new Processor objects, which can then be composed with existing processors. Again, there are multiple ways of creating a new processor:

  • As a descendent of GroupProcessor, by combining existing processors

  • As a descendent of Processor, using arbitrary Java code

As a GroupProcessor

A first way to create a new processor is to define a class that extends GroupProcessor, and to put the instructions building the desired chain of processors into that class' constructor.

Suppose that a user wants to create a processor that counts events. A simple way to do it is to create a GroupProcessor as this one:

GroupProcessor g = new GroupProcessor(1, 1);
    TurnInto one = new TurnInto(1);
    Cumulate sum = new Cumulate(
      new CumulativeFunction<Number>(Numbers.addition));
    Connector.connect(one, sum);
    g.associateInput(0, one, 0);
    g.associateOutput(0, sum, 0);
    g.addProcessors(one, sum);

However, if the user wants to use this processor at multiple locations, he will again have to copy-paste this code everywhere a new instance of the counter is needed. A better way is to create a new class that extends GroupProcessor:

public class CounterGroup extends GroupProcessor
    public CounterGroup()
        super(1, 1);
        TurnInto one = new TurnInto(1);
        Cumulate sum = new Cumulate(
            new CumulativeFunction<Number>(Numbers.addition));
        Connector.connect(one, sum);
        associateInput(0, one, 0);
        associateOutput(0, sum, 0);
        addProcessors(one, sum);

From then on, it is possible to write new CounterGroup() to get a fresh instance of this processor.

As a Descendent of Processor

Using a group works only if your custom processor can be expressed by piping other existing processors. If this is not the case, you have to resort to extending one of BeepBeep's Processor descendents. The most generic way to do so is to extend the Processor class directly. This class defines many functionalities that the user does not need to implement:

  • Methods getInputArity and getOutputArity declare the input and output arity of the processor.

  • Based on these arities, the Processor class takes care of creating the appropriate number of input and output queues for storing events.

  • Method setPullableInput associates one of the processor's input pipes to the Pullable object of an upstream processor.

  • Method setPushableOutput associates one of the processor's output pipes to the Pushable object of a downstream processor.

  • Methods getContext and setContext handle the interaction with the processor's internal Context object.

  • Finally, the Processor class also handles the unique ID given to each instance, which can be queried with getId.

These methods correspond to the very basic functionalities of a BeepBeep processor. As the reader may observe, almost none of these methods need to be called by an end-user creating processor chains (as a matter of fact, none of the code examples we have seen so far use these methods, except for getId). They are mostly used by the Connector utility class, which, as we have seen, is responsible for piping processor objects together. Many of these methods are declared final, which means that their behaviour cannot be changed by descendents of this class. However, since Processor itself is abstract, a number of important methods are left to the user to be implemented:

  • Method duplicate must create a copy of the current processor object.

  • Method getPushableInput must provide an instance of an object implementing the Pushable interface to feed input values when the processor is used in push mode.

  • Method getPullableOutput must provide an instance of an object implementing the Pullable interface to fetch output values when the processor is used in pull mode.

All the event handling functionalities must, of course, be implemented by the user. Typically, this means that the Pullable and Pushable objects keep a reference to the underlying processor they are associated with; calls to pull or push trigger some computation inside the processor and manipulate events in the input and output queues. For synchronous processing (which corresponds to almost every processor found in this book), this task is tedious, especially for processors with an input arity greater than 1. For example, a call to push may not trigger the computation of an output event if a complete input front cannot be consumed; in push mode, one must also carefully implement the subtle behaviour of the pull and pullSoft methods, and so on. We do not recommend users to extend this class directly, except perhaps in very specific situations.

Fortunately, BeepBeep provides a descendent of Processor that takes care of even more functionalities for the user; this class is called SynchronousProcessor. This class defines its own Pushable and Pullable objects, and therefore, already implements the getPushableInput and getPullableInput methods. All the user has left to do is to:

  • Decide the input and output arity of the processor; this is done by passing these two numbers to SynchronousProcessor's constructor, typically in a call to super() in the new class's constructor.

  • Write the actual computation that should occur when a complete input front becomes available, i.e. what output event(s) to produce (if any), given an input event; this is done by implementing a method called compute.

  • Override the method duplicate to produce a copy of the processor. (If the processor is stateless, it is recommended to simply return this.)

  • Optionally, override the methods getInputTypesFor and getOutputTypeFor (to declare the input and output type for each of the processor's pipes).

Using SynchronousProcessor, the minimal working example for a custom processor is made of half-a-dozen lines of code:

public class MyProcessor extends SynchronousProcessor
  public MyProcessor()
    super(0, 0);

  public boolean compute(Object[] inputs, Queue<Object[]> outputs)
    return true;

  public Processor duplicate(boolean with_state)
    return this;

This results in a processor that accepts no inputs, and produces no output. To make things more interesting, we will study a couple of examples.

A Simple 1:1 Processor

As a first example, let us write a processor that receives character strings as its input event, and computes the length of each string (we know that BeepBeep's Size function already does this, but let us ignore it for the purpose of this example). The input arity of this processor is therefore 1 (it receives one string at a time), and its output arity is 1 (it outputs a number). Specifying the input and output arity is done through the call to super() in the processor's constructor: the first argument is the input arity, and the second argument is the output arity.

The actual functionality of the processor is written in the body of the compute method. This method is called whenever an input event is available, and a new output event is required. Its first argument is an array of Java objects; the size of that array is that of the input arity we declared for this processor (in our case: 1). Computing the length amounts to extracting the first (and only) event of array inputs, casting it to a String, and getting its length. The end result is this:

public class StringLength extends SynchronousProcessor
  public StringLength()
    super(1, 1);

  public boolean compute(Object[] inputs, Queue<Object[]> outputs)
    int length = ((String) inputs[0]).length();
    return outputs.add(new Object[]{length});

  public Processor duplicate(boolean with_state)
    return new StringLength();

  public void getInputTypesFor(Set<Class<?>> classes, int position)
    if (position == 0)

  public Class<?> getOutputType(int position)
    if (position == 0)
      return Number.class;
    return null;

Note that the compute method has a second argument, which is a queue of object arrays. If the processor is of arity n, it must create an event front of size n, which means putting an event into each of its n output queues. It may also decide to output more than one such n-uplet for a single input event, and these events are accumulated into a queue --hence the slightly odd object type. The method puts into the outputs queue an array of Objects with a single element, which, in this case, is an integer corresponding to the input string's length.

The return type of the compute method is a boolean. This value is used to signal to a Pullable object whether the processor is expected to produce more events in the future. A processor should return false only if it is absolutely sure that no more events will be produced in the future; in all other situations, it must return true. Examples of processors whose compute method returns false are processors that read from a file; when the end of the file is reached, they return false to indicate that no more new events are expected. Except in very special situations such as these, a processor should return true.

The other method that needs to be implemented is duplicate; it works in the same way as for functions, and in general only consists of returning a new instance of the class. However, the reader should notice that for processors, duplicate takes a Boolean argument, called with_state. If this argument is set to true, the processor should not simply create a new copy of itself; it must also transfer its current state to the new object. Typically, this means that if the processor has member fields that determine its behaviour, these member fields must be set to the same values in the newly created copy. This is not the case in this simple example, since the processor we create has no member field at all. Therefore, method duplicate simply ignores the argument and returns a new instance of StringLength. From then on, a user can instantiate StringLength, connect it to the output of any other processor that produces strings, and pipe its result to the input of any other processor that accepts numbers.

Optionally, a processor can declare its input and output types, as is the case for function objects. Therefore, one can override the methods getInputTypesFor and getOutputType. In the present case, the type of the first (and only) input stream is String, while the type of the first (and only) output stream is Number. This leads to the methods shown in the previous code snippet. If a processor does not override these methods, by default the Processor class returns a special type called Variant. The occurrence of such a type in an input or output pipe disables the type checking step that the Connector class normally performs before connecting two processors together.

Greater Input and Output Arity

This second example displays a processor taking two traces as input. The events of each trace are instances of a simple user-defined class called Point, defined as follows:

public class Point {
  public float x;
  public float y;

We will write a processor taking one event (i.e. one Point) from each input trace, and return the Euclidean distance between these two points.

public class EuclideanDistance extends SynchronousProcessor
  public static final EuclideanDistance instance =
      new EuclideanDistance();

    super(2, 1);

  public boolean compute(Object[] inputs, Queue<Object[]> outputs)
    Point p1 = (Point) inputs[0];
    Point p2 = (Point) inputs[1];
    double distance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p2.x - p1.x, 2)
        + Math.pow(p2.y - p1.y, 2));
    outputs.add(new Object[] {distance});
    return true;

  public Processor duplicate(boolean with_state)
    return this;

As the reader can see, the compute method now expects the input array to contain two elements, and these two elements are cast as instances of Point. In addition, the duplicate method introduces a small variant: rather than returning a new copy of the processor, it returns itself (this). This behaviour makes sense in the case of a singleton --that is, an object which exists in a single copy across an entire program. In such a case, a good practice is to reduce the visibility of the class' constructor (to prevent users from calling it and creating new instances), and to provide instead a static reference to a single instance of the object. This is the goal of the instance static field.

As we have seen in earlier chapters, many BeepBeep objects (especially functions) are singletons. For example, the utility classes Booleans and Numbers provide static references to a few general-purpose objects, such as Booleans.and or Numbers.addition. Singleton processors are less common, but this example shows that it is possible to implement them in a clean way.

As we know, a processor is not limited to producing a single output stream. In this example, we show how to implement a processor with an output arity of two. This processor takes as input a single trace of Points (see the example above), and sends the x and y component of that point as events of two output streams.

public class SplitPoint extends SynchronousProcessor
  public SplitPoint()
    super(1, 2);

  protected boolean compute(Object[] inputs, Queue<Object[]> outputs)
    Point p = (Point) inputs[0];
    outputs.add(new Object[] {p.x, p.y});
    return true;

  public Processor duplicate(boolean with_state)
    return new SplitPoint();

This time, the processor adds to the output queue an array of size 2. One must remember that it is an error to add an array whose size is not equal to the processor's output arity. Although this may not be detected immediately, such an incorrect behaviour is likely to create exceptions at some point in the execution of the program.

Non-Uniform Processors

So far, all processors that were designed return one output event for every input event (or pair of events) they receive. (As a matter of fact, it would have been easier to implement them as Functions that could have been passed to an ApplyFunction processor.) In BeepBeep's terminology, these processors are called uniform (or more precisely, 1-uniform). However, this needs not to be the case. The following processor outputs an event if its value is greater than 0, and no event at all otherwise.

public class OutIfPositive extends SynchronousProcessor {

    public OutIfPositive() {
        super(1, 1);

The way to indicate that a processor does not produce any output for an input is to simply add nothing to the output queue. Note that this should not be confused with returning false, which signifies that the processor will never output any event in the future.

Conversely, a processor does not need to output only one event for each input event. For example, the following processor repeats an input event as many times as its numerical value: if the event is the value 3, it is repeated 3 times in the output. Method compute of this processor would look like the following:

public boolean compute(Object[] inputs, Queue<Object[]> outputs)
  System.out.println("Call to compute");
    Number n = (Number) inputs[0];
    for (int i = 0; i < n.intValue(); i++)
        outputs.add(new Object[] {inputs[0]});
    return true;

This example shows why compute's outputs argument is a queue of arrays of objects. In this class, a call to compute may result in more than one event being output. If compute could output only one event at a time, our processor would need to buffer the events to output somewhere, and draw events from that buffer on subsequent calls to compute. Fortunately, the SynchronousProcessor class handles this in a transparent manner. Therefore, compute can put as many events as one wishes in the output queue, and SynchronousProcessor is responsible for releasing them one by one through its Pullable object.

This example puts in light an interesting feature of the SynchronousProcessor class. Notice how we inserted a println statement in the first line of method compute. This allows us to track the moments where method compute is being called by BeepBeep. Consider the following program:

QueueSource src = new QueueSource();
src.setEvents(1, 2, 1);
Stuttering s = new Stuttering();
Connector.connect(src, s);
Pullable p = s.getPullableOutput();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
  System.out.println("Call to pull: " + p.pull());

This program calls pull on an instance of the Stuttering processor four times. The first call to pull triggers a call to compute on s in the background; this explains the first two lines printed at the console:

Call to compute
Call to pull: 1

The second call to pull results in another call to compute on s, producing the value 2, and printing the next two lines:

Call to compute
Call to pull: 2

However, the third call to pull directly outputs the value 2, without triggering a call to compute; therefore, the next line to be printed is:

Call to pull: 2

This may seem surprising, but can easily be explained. The previous call to pull made s receive the input event 2. As a result, the call to compute put into the outputs queue two object arrays, each containing the number 2. The first object array was immediately retrieved and returned as the result of the call to pull, while the contents of the second object array was put into the processor's output queue, waiting for the next call to pull. Consequently, upon the next call to pull, there was no need to call compute, since an output event was already waiting in the processor's output queue, ready to be retrieved.

Therefore, when designing a new SynchronousProcessor, one must keep in mind that calls to push (resp. pull) on a processor's Pushable (resp. Pullable) do not always correspond to a call to compute, depending on the current contents of the processor's input and output queues.

Stateful Processors

So far, all our processors are "memoryless": they keep no information about past events when making their computation. It is also possible to create "memoryful" processors. As an example, let us create a processor called MyMax, which outputs the maximum between the current event and the previous one. Given the following input trace:

5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 4, ...

...the processor should output:

(nothing), 5, 2, 3, 6, 6, ...

Notice how, after receiving the first event, the processor should not return anything yet, as two events are needed before being able to output something. A possible implementation could be the following:

public class MyMax extends SynchronousProcessor
  Number last = null;

  public MyMax()
    super(1, 1);

  public boolean compute(Object[] inputs, Queue<Object[]> outputs)
    Number current = (Number) inputs[0];
    Number output;
    if (last != null)
      output = Math.max(last.floatValue(), current.floatValue());
      last = current;
      outputs.add(new Object[]{output});
      last = current;
    return true;

  public Processor duplicate(boolean with_state)
    MyMax mm = new MyMax();
    if (with_state)
      mm.last = this.last;
    return mm;

This processor is the first in this chapter to have a member field, called last. When the processor is instantiated, last is set to null. Each call to compute compares the value of last with the current event (if last is not null), and then sets the value of last to the current event. Therefore, the member field last acts as a form of "memory": for a given input event, the processor will produce a different output depending on the contents of this field --which itself depends on the previous event given to the processor.

The presence of a member field changes the way of implementing method duplicate. Remember that a processor has the option of being copied along with its state, by setting the value of argument with_state to true. Therefore, the code for duplicate must take into account this additional possibility. Notice how a new instance of MyMax, called mm, is created; if the duplication is stateful, an extra step is taken to copy the current value of last into mm. This has for effect of putting mm into the same state as the current object.

The implementation of duplicate is probably the most delicate part in the creation of a new stateful SynchronousProcessor. Failing to create a faithful copy of the original object (for example, by failing to transfer the values of all the appropriate member fields) may result in unforeseen and hard-to-debug behaviours. As an example, let us go back to the Stuttering processor we created previously. Consider the following program:

QueueSource src1 = new QueueSource();
src1.setEvents(2, 1);
Stuttering s1 = new Stuttering();
Connector.connect(src1, s1);
Pullable p1 = s1.getPullableOutput();
System.out.println("Call to pull on p1: " + p1.pull());

Call to compute
Call to pull on p1: 2

Let us now make a stateful duplicate of s1, connect it to a new event source, and call pull once:

QueueSource src2 = new QueueSource();
src2.setEvents(3, 1);
Stuttering s2 = s1.duplicate(true);
Connector.connect(src2, s2);
Pullable p2 = s2.getPullableOutput();
System.out.println("Call to pull on p2: " + p2.pull());

The program prints:

Call to compute
Call to pull on p2: 3

However, this is not the expected output. As we have seen in a previous example, the next event that should be output by processor s1 is the second instance of number 2. Processor s2 should be a stateful copy of s1, and hence, produce the same output event. Instead, the call to pull on s2 resulted in s2 pulling number 3 from src2 and sending it to its output. The reason for this strange behaviour is the fact that, when s1 was duplicated, the contents of its input and output queues was not transferred to s2. It turns out that the events present in these queues, most of the time, are also part of a processor's state.

Technically, a descendent of SynchronousProcessor does not have direct access to these queues. Rather than copying their contents manually in every implementation of duplicate, a shortcut consists of calling a method called duplicateInto, provided by the Processor class. This method receives as an argument the target copy of the Processor; it is responsible for copying the contents of the input and output queues into this object. We can hence create a new version of Stutter, called StutteringCopy, containing a "corrected" version of method duplicate. The method now looks as follows:

public StutteringCopy duplicate(boolean with_state)
  StutteringCopy s = new StutteringCopy();
  if (with_state)
  return s;

We can now write a new version of our program, which uses the StutteringCopy object in place of Stuttering:

QueueSource src1 = new QueueSource();
src1.setEvents(2, 1);
StutteringCopy s1 = new StutteringCopy();
Connector.connect(src1, s1);
Pullable p1 = s1.getPullableOutput();
System.out.println("Call to pull on p1: " + p1.pull());
QueueSource src2 = new QueueSource();
src2.setEvents(3, 1);
StutteringCopy s2 = s1.duplicate(true);
Connector.connect(src2, s2);
Pullable p2 = s2.getPullableOutput();
System.out.println("Call to pull on p2: " + p2.pull());

This time, the program prints, as expected:

Call to compute
Call to pull on p1: 2
Call to pull on p2: 2

In this chapter, we have seen how BeepBeep's functionalities can be extended by letting users invent their own Processor and Function objects. All of BeepBeep's palettes are created in this way: a palette is just a pre-compiled JAR bundle of classes that depend on BeepBeep's core (and possibly other external libraries). We strongly encourage the reader to experiment with creating new processors specific to the use cases they may encounter. It is hoped that BeepBeep's palette architecture, combined with its simple extension mechanisms, will help third-party users contribute to the BeepBeep ecosystem by developing and distributing extensions suited to their own needs.

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