Basic Concepts

This chapter is about the fundamental principles for using BeepBeep through simple examples. More specifically, instructions will be provided for the basic usage of processors and functions, two of the most important objects the system provides.


The first fundamental building block of BeepBeep is an object called a processor. This object takes one or more event streams as its input, and returns one or more event streams as its output. A processor is a stateful device: for a given input, its output may depend on events received in the past. Virtually all the processing of event traces is done through the action of a processor, or a combination of multiple processors chained together to achieve the desired functionality. In terms of Java, all processors are descendants of the generic Processor class.

An easy way to understand processors is to think of them as "boxes" having one or more "pipes". Some of these pipes are used to feed events to the processor (input pipes), while others are used to collect events produced by the processor (output pipes). Throughout this book, processors will often be represented graphically exactly in this way, as in the upcoming diagram. A processor object is represented by a square box, with a pictogram giving an idea of the type of computation it executes on events. On the sides of this box are one or more "pipes" representing its inputs and outputs. Input pipes are indicated with a red, inward-pointing triangle, while output pipes are represented by a green, outward-pointing triangle.

The colour of the pipes themselves will be used to denote the type of events passing through them. According to the convention in this book, a blue-green pipe represents a stream of numbers; a grey pipe contains a stream of Boolean values, etc.

The number of input and output pipes is called the (input and output) arity of a processor; these two numbers vary depending on the actual type of processor we are talking about. For example, the previous diagram represents a processor with an input arity of 1, and an output arity of 1. Events come in by one end, while other events (maybe of a different kind) come out by the other end.

A processor produces its output in a streaming fashion: this means that output events are made available progressively while the input events are consumed. In other words, a processor does not wait to read its entire input trace before starting to produce output events. However, a processor can require more than one input event to create an output event, and hence may not always output something right away.

Pulling Events

There are two ways to interact with a processor. The first is by getting a hold of the processor's output pipe, and by repeatedly asking for new events. The action of requesting a new output event is called pulling, and this mode of operation is called pull mode.

Let us instantiate a simple processor and pull events from it. The following code snippet shows such a thing, using a processor called QueueSource.

QueueSource source = new QueueSource();
source.setEvents(1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32);
Pullable p = source.getPullableOutput();
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    int x = (Integer) p.pull();
    System.out.println("The event is: " + x);

The QueueSource object is a simple processor that does only one thing. When it is created, it is given a list of events; from that point on, it will endlessly output these events, one by one, looping back at the beginning of the list when it reaches the end. The first two lines of the previous snippet create a new instance of QueueSource, and then give the list of events it is instructed to repeat (in this case, the events are integers). Graphically, this can be represented as follows:

As one can see, the QueueSource object is a special type of processor that has an output pipe, but no input pipe (that is, its input arity is zero). This means that it does not produce events based on the output produced by other processors; in other words, it is impossible to connect another processor into a QueueSource (or into any other processor of input arity zero, for that matter). Rather, output events are produced "out of thin air" --or more accurately, from a list of values that is given to the source when it instantiated. In the diagram, this list is shown in the white rectangle overlapping the source's box.

To collect events from a processor's output, one uses a special object called a Pullable. The third instruction takes care of obtaining an instance of Pullable corresponding to QueueSource's output, using a method called getPullableOutput().

A Pullable can be seen as a form of iterator over an output trace. It provides a method, called pull(); each call to pull() asks the corresponding processor to produce one more output event. The loop in the previous code snippet amounts to calling pull() eight times. Since events handled by processors can be anything (Booleans, numbers, strings, sets, etc.), the method returns an object of the most generic type, i.e. Object. It is up to the user of a processor to know what precise type of event this return value can be cast into. In our case, we know that the QueueSource we created returns integers, and so we manually cast the output of pull() into objects of this type.

Since the queue source loops through its array of events, after reaching the last (32), it will restart from the beginning of its list. The expected output of this program is:

The event is: 1
The event is: 2
The event is: 4
The event is: 8
The event is: 16
The event is: 32
The event is: 1
The event is: 2

Note that source springs into action only upon a call to pull() on its Pullable object. That is, it computes and returns a new output event only upon request. In other words, we can see it as some kind of gearbox that does something only when we turn the crank: each turn of "crank" triggers the production of a new output event.

As a final note, the Pullable interface extends the Java Iterator and Iterable interfaces. This means that an instance of Pullable can also be iterated over like this:

Pullable p = ...;
for (Object o : p)
  // Do something

This simple example shows the basic concepts around the use of a processor:

  • An instance of a processor is first created

  • To read events from its output, we must obtain an instance of a Pullable object from this processor

  • Events can be queried by calling pull() on this Pullable object

Piping Processors

BeepBeep provides dozens of processors, but each of them in isolation performs a simple operation. To perform more complex computations, processors can be composed (or "piped") together, by letting the output of one processor be the input of another. This piping is possible as long as the type of the first processor's output matches the type expected by the second processor's input.

Let us create a simple example of piping by building upon the previous example, as follows:

QueueSource source = new QueueSource();
source.setEvents(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
Doubler doubler = new Doubler();
Connector.connect(source, doubler);
Pullable p = doubler.getPullableOutput();
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
    int x = (Integer) p.pull();
    System.out.println("The event is: " + x);

First, a QueueSource is created as before; then, an instance of another processor called Doubler is also created. For the sake of the example, let us simply assume that Doubler takes arbitrary integers as its input, multiples them by two, and returns the result as its output.

The next instruction uses the Connector object to pipe the two processors together. The call to method connect() sets up the processors so that the output of source is sent directly to the input of doubler. Graphically, this can be represented as follows:

Notice how the diagram now contains two boxes: one for the source, and one for the doubler. The call to Connector's connect is represented by the "pipe" that links the output of the source to the input of the doubler.

We can then obtain doubler's Pullable object, and fetch its output events like before. The output of this program will be:

The event is: 2
The event is: 4
The event is: 6
The event is: 8

As expected, each event of the output stream is the double of the one at matching position in the source's input stream.

Notice how we obtained a hold of doubler's output Pullable, and made our pull calls on that object --not on source's. It is up to the downstream processor to call pull on any upstream processors it is connected to, if needed. Concretely, this is what happens:

  1. A call to pull is made on doubler's Pullable object

  2. In order to produce an output event, doubler needs a new input event. It calls pull on source's Pullable object

  3. Processor source produces a new event, and emits it as the return value to its call on pull

  4. Processor doubler now has a new input event; it multiplies it by two, and emits it as the return value to its own call on pull

Two Common Mistakes

This simple example of processor piping brings us to talk about two common mistakes one can make when creating processors and connecting them.

The first mistake is to forget to connect two processors. Suppose that in the original Doubler example, we omit the call to connect, resulting in a diagram that looks like the following:

Notice how the pipe between the source and the Doubler processor is missing. Attempting to call pull on doubler will throw an exception. The expected output of the program should look like this:

Exception in thread "main" ca.uqac.lif.cep.Pullable$PullableException:
Input 0 of this processor is connected to nothing
  at ca.uqac.lif.cep.SynchronousProcessor$OutputPullable.hasNext...

What happens concretely is that, when a call to doubler's Pullable object is made, it turns around to ask for an input event from upstream, and realizes that it has never been told whom to ask (this is what the call to connect does). Consequently, it throws a PullableException alerting the user of that issue. Notice that this is a runtime error; the program still compiles perfectly.

The second mistake is to call pull on an intermediate processor. In our original example, it would be an error for the user to perform their own pulls on source, instead of or in addition to the pulls on doubler. Consider the same chain of processors as above, but with the loop replaced by the following instructions:

Pullable p = doubler.getPullableOutput();
System.out.println("The event is: " + p.pull());
System.out.println("The event is: " + p.pull());
Pullable p2 = source.getPullableOutput();
System.out.println("The event is: " + p2.pull());
System.out.println("The event is: " + p.pull());

Notice how, after performing two pulls on doubler's Pullable, we perform one call to source's Pullable, and then resume pulling on doubler. The output of this program is this:

The event is: 2
The event is: 4
The event is: 3
The event is: 8

The first two outputs are identical to our original program. As was just explained, the first two calls to pull on doubler resulted in the background in two other calls to pull on source. The third line corresponds to the pull on source directly; it outputs the third event of its list, which is 3. However, since we pulled on source directly, that event never reaches the input of doubler. As far as source is concerned, its third event has duly been sent, and it moves on to the next. Therefore, when calling pull again on doubler, source sends it its fourth event (the integer 4), and hence the next line of the output is 8.

As one can see, it generally does not make much sense to pull on processors that are not at the very end of the chain. To prevent the possibility of mistakes, it is possible to encapsulate a group of processors into a "box" that only gives access to the very last Pullables of a chain --on which we will elaborate later.

Processors with More than One Input

We mentioned earlier that processors can have more than one input "pipe", or one or more output "pipe". The following example shows it:

QueueSource source1 = new QueueSource();
source1.setEvents(2, 7, 1, 8, 3);
QueueSource source2 = new QueueSource();
source2.setEvents(3, 1, 4, 1, 6);
Adder add = new Adder();
Connector.connect(source1, 0, add, 0);
Connector.connect(source2, 0, add, 1);
Pullable p = add.getPullableOutput();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    float x = (Float) p.pull();
    System.out.println("The event is: " + x);

This time, we create two sources of numbers. We intend to connect these two sources of numbers to a processor called add, which, incidentally, has two input pipes. The interesting bit comes in the calls to connect(), which now include a few more arguments. The first call connects the output of source1 to the first input of a processor called add. The second call connects the output of source2 to the second input of add. Graphically, this is represented as follows:

In a program, the two input pipes of add can be easily accessed through their number (0 or 1). However, in a drawing, it may be difficult to decide which is which. In this book, we will follow the convention that the topmost input pipe is that with the lowest number. Hence, in the previous diagram, input pipe 0 is the one connected to the queue 2-7-1-8-3. In some diagrams, this may still not be clear enough; in such cases, we will explicitly write numbers next to the pipes to tell them apart.

The rest of our program is done as usual: a Pullable is obtained from add, and its first few output events are printed:

The event is: 5.0
The event is: 8.0
The event is: 5.0
The event is: 9.0

The previous example shows that the output of add seems to be the pairwise sum of events from source1 and source2. This is, in fact, exactly the case: 2+3=5, 7+1=8, 1+4=5, and so on. When a processor has an input arity of 2 or more, it processes its inputs in batches called fronts. A front is a set of events in identical positions in each input trace. Hence, the pair of events 2 and 3 corresponds to the front at position 0; the pair 7 and 1 corresponds to the front at position 1, and so on.

When a processor has an arity of 2 or more, the processing of its input is generally done synchronously. This means that a computation step will be performed if and only if a new event can be consumed from each input stream. It this is not the case, the processor waits (and the call to pull blocks) until a complete front is ready to be processed. This can be exemplified in the following code example:

SlowQueueSource source1 = new SlowQueueSource();
source1.setEvents(2, 7, 1, 8, 3);
QueueSource source2 = new QueueSource();
source2.setEvents(3, 1, 4, 1, 6);
Adder add = new Adder();
Connector.connect(source1, 0, add, 0);
Connector.connect(source2, 0, add, 1);
Pullable p = add.getPullableOutput();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    float x = (Float) p.pull();
    System.out.println("The event is: " + x);

The chain of processors in this example is almost identical to the previous example, and can be represented graphically as:

The difference is that the first queue source has been replaced by a "slow" queue source, which waits 5 seconds before outputting each event. This is represented by the little "clock" in the topmost source box. The output of this program is identical to the previous one:

The event is: 5.0
The event is: 8.0

However, a new line is only printed every five seconds. This can be explained as follows: when a call to pull is made on add's Pullable object, the processor checks whether a complete front can be consumed. It asks both source1 and source2 for a new event; source2 responds immediately, but source1 takes five seconds before producing an event. In the meantime, add can do nothing but wait. The whole process repeats itself upon every subsequent call to pull. Note that add only asks for one new event at a time from each source; that is, it does not keep pulling on source2 while it waits for an answer from source1.

Synchronous processing is a strong assumption; many other stream processing engines allow events to be processed asynchronously, meaning that the output of a query may depend on what input stream produced an event first. One can easily imagine situations where synchronous processing is not appropriate. However, in use cases where it is suitable, assuming synchronous processing greatly simplifies the definition and implementation of processors. The output result is no longer sensitive to the order in which events arrive at each input, or to the time it takes for an upstream processor to compute an output (the order of arrival of events from the same input trace, obviously, is preserved). Since the timing of arrival of events is irrelevant to the result of a computation, this means that one can perform a "pen and paper" calculation of a chain of processors, and arrive at the same output as the real one, given knowledge of the contents of each input stream.

When Types do not Match

We mentioned earlier that any processor can be piped to any other, provided that they have matching types. The following code example shows what happens when types do not match:

QueueSource source = new QueueSource();
Processor av = new ApplyFunction(Numbers.absoluteValue);
Connector.connect(source, av);
Processor neg = new ApplyFunction(Booleans.not);
Connector.connect(av, neg);
System.out.println("This line will not be reached");

The culprit lies in the next-to-last line of the program; this is due to the fact that processor av sends out events of type Number as its output, while processor neg expects events of type Boolean as its input. This can be illustrated as follows:

This is the first of our examples using colour coding to represent the type of each stream. Note how number streams and pipes are shown in turquoise, while Booleans are represented using a greyish shade of blue. Using such a graphical representation, the problem can easily be detected: the call to connect attempts to link a turquoise output pipe to a grey-blue input pipe.

Since numbers cannot be converted into Booleans, the call to connect() will throw an exception similar to this one:

Exception in thread "main"
Cannot connect output 0 of ABS to input 0 of !: incompatible types
    at ca.uqac.lif.cep.Connector.checkForException(

Here "ABS" and "!" are the symbols defined for av and neg, respectively. As with the PullableException discussed earlier, this is a runtime error. Processor inputs and outputs are not statically typed, so the above program compiles without problem. The error is only detected when the program is being executed, and the Connector object realizes that it is being asked to link processors of incompatible types.

A processor can be queried for the types it accepts for input number n by using the method getInputType(); likewise for the type produced at output number n with getOutputType().

Pushing Events

Earlier we mentioned there were two ways to interact with a processor. The first, which we have used so far, is called pulling. The second, as you may guess, is called pushing, and works more or less in reverse. In so-called push mode, rather than querying events form a processor's output, we give events to a processor's input. This has for effect of triggering the processor's computation and "pushing" events (if any) to the processor's output.

Let us instantiate a simple processor and push events to it. The following code snippet shows such a thing, using a processor called QueueSink.

QueueSink sink = new QueueSink();
Pushable p = sink.getPushableInput();
Queue<Object> queue = sink.getQueue();
System.out.println("Events in the sink: " + queue);
System.out.println("Events in the sink: " + queue);

The QueueSink object is a simple processor that merely accumulates into a queue all the events we push to it. The first line of the previous snippet creates a new instance of QueueSink. Graphically, this can be represented as follows:

In order to push events to this processor, we need to get a reference to its input pipe; this is done with method getPushableInput(), which gives us an instance of a Pushable object. A Pushable defines one important method, called push(), allowing us to give events to its associated processor. In the previous code snippet, we see two calls to method push, sending the strings "foo" and "bar".

As we said, QueueSink simply accumulates the pushed events into a queue. It is possible to access that queue by calling a method called getQueue() on the processor, as is done on line 5. The contents of that queue are then printed; at this point in the program, the queue contains the strings "foo" and "bar", resulting in the first line printed at the console:

Events in the sink: [foo, bar]

We then pop the first event of that queue, and then push a new string ("baz") to the sink. The second line the program prints shows the content of the sink at that moment, namely:

Events in the sink: [bar, baz]

We have seen that calls to pull on a processor may result in calls to pull on upstream processors. In the same way, in push mode, calls to push may result in calls to push on downstream processors. In the following code snippet, we connect a Doubler processor to a special type of sink, called Print, which simply prints to the console every event it receives.

Doubler doubler = new Doubler();
Print print = new Print();
Connector.connect(doubler, print);
Pushable p = doubler.getPushableInput();
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)

The for loop pushes the integers 0 to 7 into the input pipe of doubler; the pause method causes the loop to wait one second (1,000 milliseconds) between each call to push. The output of this program is, unsurprisingly, the following:


Notice the one-second interval between each number. This shows that, in push mode, nothing happens until an upstream call to push triggers the chain of computation.

Pushing on Binary Processors

The push mode exhibits a special behaviour in the case where a processor has an input arity of 2 or more. Consider the following piece of code:

Adder add = new Adder();
Print print = new Print().setSeparator("\n");
Connector.connect(add, print);
Pushable p0 = add.getPushableInput(0);
Pushable p1 = add.getPushableInput(1);

This sets up an Adder processor, whose output is connected to a Print processor, as illustrated below:

Since add is of input arity 2, it has two Pushable objects, numbered 0 and 1. We use a different version of method getPushableInput(), which takes an integer as an argument. By convention in our diagrams, the first Pullable object is generally located at the top (or the left) of the box, and the second at the bottom (or the right). Small numbers are located next to the pipes when the context is not clear.

Let us see what happens when pushing numbers into p0 and p1.

System.out.println("This is the first printed line");
System.out.println("This is the third printed line");

The first line pushes the number 3 into p0. However, since nothing has yet been pushed into p1, the first front of events is not complete; add is not ready to compute an addition, and nothing is pushed to the printer. This means that the next statement, which prints "This is the first printed line", is indeed the first line to be printed at the console. We then push the number 1 into p1; now a complete front is ready to be processed, and add pushes the number 4 (3+1) to its output pipe. This event is received by the printer, which prints it at the console.

The next two instructions push two numbers into p1. Again, nothing is printed, since no new events have been received from p0. Hence the next instruction, "This is the third printed line", does produce the third line of the output. We then push the number 5 into p0. An event was already pushed into p1, so add is ready to compute a new addition, and outputs 9 (4+5).

Here, an important observation must be made. The add processor computed the addition of number 5 pushed into p0 with the number 4 that was pushed earlier into p1. That is, a processor consumes events from the same pullable in the order they arrive. Number 4 is the second event pushed into p1; hence it is matched with the second event pushed into p0.

The last instruction pushes the number 9 into p0. The third event pushed into p0 is matched with the third event pushed into p1, and add pushes 10 (1+9) to its output pipe. The end result of this program should be this:

This is the first printed line
This is the third printed line

The observation made on the order of arrival is important. It means that each processor has input queues to buffer events pushed from upstream until they can be consumed. Here, the numbers 4 and 5 were put into an event queue associated to p1, until events were pushed into p0 and made a computation possible. The nice thing about BeepBeep is that you don't have to worry about these buffers: the system takes care of them on its own in a completely transparent manner.

Note that the order in which events at the same position in two different streams are pushed still does not matter, though. That is, assuming that we are at the start of the program, writing this:


will produce the same output as writing this:


The next question that generally comes to one's mind is: what happens if we keep pushing events on only one of the pushables, and nothing on the other? Since no computation can be made, won't this fill the first Pushable's queue endlessly? The answer to this question is simple: yes. If we keep pushing events on only one pushable (or more likely, if one of the upstream sources pushes events much faster than the other), we may end up filling one of the event queues and run out of memory.

Fortunately, there are many use cases (especially realistic ones) where such a catastrophic scenario never occurs. Notice also that this is not a limitation on BeepBeep's side: if the goal is to add numbers from two input streams, and the first generates them at twice the speed of the second, those excess numbers must be stored somewhere, and that storage must increase linearly with time. There is no escaping it, whether using BeepBeep or not!

Closing Processor Chains

We mentioned earlier that a common mistake is to forget to connect two processors. A variant of this mistake is to forget to attach sources or sinks to the endpoints of a processor chain. Take the very simple example of the Passthrough processor, which simply takes input events and returns them as is to its output pipe. It can be depicted as follows:

Let us create a Passthrough, and call pull on it, as in the following code example.

Passthrough passthrough = new Passthrough();
Pullable p = passthrough.getPullableOutput();

This program will throw a ConnectorException for the same reasons as before: passthrough is asked for a new output event, but it is not connected to anything upstream. That makes sense. What is more surprising is that the reverse mistake also exists in push mode. Consider the following example:

Passthrough passthrough = new Passthrough();
Pushable p = passthrough.getPushableInput();

This time, we attempt to push a string ("foo") into passthrough --but again, this will throw a ConnectorException. Indeed: passthrough is requested to relay an event downstream, but nothing is connected to its output pipe. In the same way events cannot be created out of thin air (in pull mode), they cannot vanish into thin air either (in push mode). In other words, a chain of processors must always be closed:

  • In pull mode, all upstream endpoints must be connected to a source

  • In push mode, all downstream endpoints must be connected to a sink

If, for whatever reason, you want to discard events from a downstream processor, you must still connect it to a sink. However, there is a special sink, called BlackHole, which does exactly that.

With these code examples, you know almost everything there is to know about processors in BeepBeep. We have seen how a few simple processor objects can be instantiated and piped together by means of the Connector object. We have also explored the two modes by which events can be passed around: pull mode where output events are queried by the user, and push mode where input events are produced by the user. We also studied the principles of synchronous processing, and the fact that processors manage internal queues to make sure they always process events at matching positions in their input streams.


  1. Using the QueueSource and Doubler processors shown in this chapter, create a chain of processors that outputs the quadruple of the first five odd numbers. As a result, the first five output events should be 4, 12, 20, 28, 36.

  2. Using the QueueSource and Add processors shown in this chapter, create a chain of processors that outputs the sum of each two consecutive prime numbers. The first six prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13. As a result, the first five output events should be 5, 8, 12, 18, 24. (Hint: you will need two QueueSources.)

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